10 Surprising Uses of Lemons

1. Refrigerator Freshener


Many people use baking soda in their refrigerators as a way to help them remove bad odors or smells. However, lemon can work even better when it comes to removing unpleasant smells in your fridge. You can take some lemon juice and use a cotton ball or a sponge to absorb it. Place the lemon soaked item in the refrigerator for several hours so it can counter the odors you’re trying to get rid of. You can also do the same for your trash cans as a way to get rid of unpleasant odors there. Read on to find out more awesome lemon uses.

2. For Nails


If you have nails which are dry and/or brittle, mix lemon juice with olive oil and soak them into a basin. After soaking rinse them and optionally apply cuticle oil. Lemon juice is known to whiten nails and remove any stains. Due to its acidity, the use of lemon for manicure goes many centuries.

3. Use Lemon as a Teeth Whitener


Combining some baking soda and lemon juice, can give you a million dollar smile, and whiter teeth. The chemical reaction from lemon juice and baking soda has a teeth-brightening effect. You can either apply the mixture paste with a Q-tip, or a tooth brush. Still, keep in mind that using either of them too much, whether alone or combined, can end up wearing away the tooth enamel. Also, never leave the mixture on your teeth longer than a minute.

4. Clean Household Items


Kitchen items such as cutting boards, rolling pins and other wooden kitchen tools are magnets for germs and bad odors. But lemons can quickly combat this problem since they kill both bacteria and bad odors. Simply rub a 1/2 of a lemon all over each item after you have washed it. Let it sit for at least 20 to 30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, simply rinse the lemon juice off the kitchen utensils and dry.

5. Food Preservative


Believe it not, lemon can actually help other fruits and foods last longer. How ironic is that? Adding a little lemon juice to your potatoes, apples, pears and cauliflower will keep the fruits from browning. You can also preserve your guacamole longer by adding lemon juice as well. The citric acid in the lemons will keep the foods from turning brown.

6. All Steel Rust Cleaner


You can make a lemon-based all-purpose cleaner with lemon juice and water that can replace most chemical filled, harsh cleaners. Rubbing lemon directly on to shower handles, faucets and other metals, will keep them free of bacteria. It also removes grime and gunk. you can even use it as an alternative to bleach to help brighten your whites. Adding a cup of lemon juice will do wonders for your laundry.

7. Lemon Juice as Natural Deodorant


Lemon juice can be used as a natural deodorant and is in fact quite effective. At Peoplespharmacy.com it is rated 8 out of 10 stars as a natural deo. The method is to rub your armpit with half a lemon, just before you finish taking a shower and leave it there for about 5 minutes. Then wash it off with water to remove the juice. You will notice that it prevents bad odors for hours and leaves a fresh smell.

8. Skin Care


There’s an awesome, natural do-it-yourself facial mask to help you take care of your skin. Combining lemon with honey will do wonders for the health of your facial surface. The antiseptic properties found in the honey, help prevent acne, while it moisturizes your skin. At the same time, the vitamin C from the lemon, can greatly brighten it. For best results, leave the mask on your skin for at least 20 minutes. This treatment, will also work very well against blackheads.

9. Natural Mouth Wash


Due to the citric acid in lemon juice altering the pH level in your mouth, lemons are an excellent natural mouth wash. The citric acid, kills the bad breath causing bacteria. Still, keep in mind that you should rinse after a few minutes. The acid in lemons can also harm your tooth enamel.

10. Arthritis and Joint Pain Relief


Adding lemon juice to a cup with a pinch of sugar, works wonders for nausea relief. Also, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, lemons can also help with arthritis. Soaking the area affected by arthritis will lessen pain and inflammation. Also when ingested, lemon juice helps the body get rid of uric acid, which is often deposited in the joints causing arthritis and rheumatic pain.